
Regular webinar events will be offered to share knowledge about the many aspects of child protection and forensic medicine as well as create opportunity for professional reflection. The webinars are currently aimed at doctors who provide care to children and adolescents who experience maltreatment. If you are a paediatrician, general practitioner, or other specialists, these Webinar Events will be of value to you.

The webinars are hosted on Microsoft Teams and each event will aim to have 15 minutes of interaction including participant polls, and time for questions and answers.

Webinar events will be scheduled to occur on the first week of each month alternating between early afternoon Wednesday (1PM AET) and late afternoon Thursdays (1700 AET); the time in your location will vary depending on your time zone. 

Webinars are offered to CPPSA members at no-charge. Registration details including the topic and a brief synopsis on what will be covered can be found in the Events category of the Resource Library in the Member Home section.

If you are not yet a member of the CPPSA and wish to attend a webinar event, please consider joining the CPPSA or alternatively if you have a professional interest in a particular event, please email admin@cppsa.au to request attending. Please be advised that a fee of $40 + GST per event will apply to non-members. 

See our list of upcoming webinars.