Those practicing child abuse/child maltreatment pediatrics provide expert evaluation and care of children suspected of having been maltreated. While this practice brings many opportunities for professional satisfaction, it also affords challenges. Presented by Professor Andrea Asnes,this webinar framed several of these challenges, some from within our ranks, and some external. Suggested potential solutions and counterweights to these challenges was also discussed.
Andrea (Andie) Asnes, MD, MSW is Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine, Chief of the Section of Child Safety, Advocacy, and Healing, and a board-certified Child Abuse Pediatrician. She is a member of Executive Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Child Abuse and Neglect and Secretary of the Ray E. Helfer Society (an honorary society of physicians seeking to provide medical leadership regarding the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research concerning child abuse and neglect). Her scholarly interests include the support of frontline clinicians in the identification of abusive injury and the prevention of unneeded reports to child protective services. Dr. Asnes has an abiding interest in medical education and physician wellbeing and currently serves as Graduate Medical Education Director of Resident and Fellow Wellbeing and Associate Designated Institutional Official of the Yale-New Haven Hospital